Plant propagation - How to

basil, basilikum, plant, diy, home, garden, urban, urban gardening, vegan

I've always been a huge fan of growing my own plants to use them for cooking. But especially with basil I've always had bad luck. When I bought a plant in the store, it died always pretty quick. It's because they make sure to grow them extra quick and sell them fast but through this process the plants are very weak.
Then I grew some with seeds and they came out amazing. So I thought I want more of these strong herbs. I found out how you can easily propagate your own basil and other plants. So here's what I did:

I've cut some side branches, took off some leaves at the bottom and put them in water. And that's actually the whole magic 🌱

In the first few days before the roots begin to grow you should place them in the shade. When you can spot some tiny roots you can place them into direct sunlight. Just make sure the water is always clean and they have plenty of it.
Day by day the roots get longer and multiply. The basil on the picture was about 4 weeks in water.
basil, basilikum, plant, diy, home, garden, urban, urban gardening, vegan
When they look like this they'r ready to be planted in pots. Make sure you make a bit of a drainage with stones or expanded clay like I did. Also an important thing to know: Most store bought dirt isn't vegan! They often use horn as a fertilizer. Make sure you buy vegan labelled packs. In Switzerland you can get some at normal Coop stores.
basil, basilikum, plant, diy, home, garden, urban, urban gardening, vegan

I propagated one more plant: The easter cactus.
cactus, easter cactus, plant, diy, home, garden, urban, urban gardening, vegan

For this cactus I used another and even easier method: Twist off one of the pieces and put them half way into dirt.
cactus, easter cactus, plant, diy, home, garden, urban, urban gardening, vegan

Keep the dirt moist and pretty soon they will grow some tiny new leaves. The light green ones grew in about a month!
cactus, easter cactus, plant, diy, home, garden, urban, urban gardening, vegan

Like this you can breed your favorite plants super quick and easy.
Let me know what your favorite herbs and plants are and how you make them grow healthy.


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